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How Do I Backup My Files Manually

How Do I Backup My Files Manually | Files & FTP

How Do I Backup My Files Manually?

Category: Files & FTP


Backing up your files is essential to secure your data and maintain a safe copy of your website. This guide provides detailed steps on how to back up your files manually, using options like the File Manager, FTP, and creating a zip archive. Let’s dive in!

Locate Your Files

First, identify the exact location of your website files. Each domain or subdomain typically points to a directory with the same name under the /www/ directory in your hosting account. For example, files for my-best-domain.com are likely located in /www/my-best-domain.com/.

Option 1: Using File Manager

1. Navigate to Files > File Manager in your control panel.
2. Select the files or folders you want to back up, then click on the Download button at the top of the file list, or right-click to open the dropdown menu and select download.
3. A download prompt will appear, asking if you want to save the file. Choose “Save As...” and select a location on your computer.

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Option 2: Back Up via FTP

1. Connect via FTP using your main FTP account.
2. Once connected, locate the domain folder you wish to back up.
3. Right-click the folder and choose Download (specific steps may vary by FTP client). The download will start, saving the files to your local machine.

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Option 3: Create a Zip Archive on the Server

1. In the File Manager, create a folder named BACKUP in the directory where your files are located.
2. Copy the files into this BACKUP folder, leaving the BACKUP folder unchecked.
3. Create a file called zip.php in the same directory, adding the code below to create an archive of the files in the BACKUP folder:

<?php exec("zip -r BACKUP BACKUP"); ?>

4. Run the zip.php script in your browser (http://my-best-domain.com/zip.php), which will create an archive file BACKUP.zip in the same directory.

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