How do you manage Backups?
Category: Statistics
The default backup space for each hosting account is 10 GB. We make daily backups of your web content, the databases, and emails and we keep them for 30 days.
Information about how much of that backup space is used could be found under the Backup Limit in your hosting Account Usage.
Note: The Backup Limit is not a separate storage containing backups but represents the amount of web and email storage that we can back up with your plan.
You are using 5 GB of Web Storage and 2 GB of Mail Storage, which is a total of 7 GB. We can make backups of that content until that total size reaches 10 GB.
Please note that the backups for your account are stored on a separate backup server and they do not use any of your hosting account storage.
It means that you cannot delete backups directly and this is not the solution if you have your hosting account Backup limit exceeded.
Solutions for Exceeded Backup Limit:
- Please revise the web storage in use, which is the content under your www/ folder and also the Mail Storage used by your mailboxes.
- To reduce your mail storage you need to clean your mailboxes: download emails locally with POP3 or delete them using the webmail or IMAP setup. Once the total of your Web and Mail storage in use is lower than the plan Backup Limit, we can make backups of your content.
- In case you want to keep all your content without cleaning any of the files or emails hosted and you have the Upgrades option available, you can Increase your plan Backup Limit.
- Another option to backup your content is to use our Remote Backups feature, available in the control panel at Files -> Remote Backups. All you have to do is connect your hosting account with your Google Drive or Dropbox storage account.
Our smart system will do the rest and back up the sites and MySQL databases you have chosen at regular intervals.
Note: Remember to monitor the available space in your storage accounts. If you don't have enough space available, we will not be able to back up your website.
Tags: backup management, backup solutions, backups, database backups, email storage, hosting account, remote backups, storage limit, upgrade plan, web content